Recently, I was described as a "llama-sloth." It seems like a strange name, but it drew on the fact that my children's books feature a llama and a sloth as the main characters. Then it occurred to me how very much being a llama-sloth applied to me.
You see, I have autism and ADHD. I was not diagnosed until 2022 when I was 50 years old. I can see the sloth as the autism side of me - not very much interested in change. The ADHD side of me is like a happy llama. If you have ever seen a happy llama, you know that they like to hop and run. They are very high energy. So, I am a llama-sloth. A unique creature indeed.
I never expected to become a children's picture book author. Oh, I dreamed of becoming a published author some day. I just dreamed of becoming a novelist. I haven't given up that dream, it is just hibernating for now. God has given me a different path to follow.
It all started in 2020 when my older daughter, who is a very talented artist, convinced me that I could draw and encouraged me to take part in Inktober where you get a word each day and draw a picture for it. As I drew each day, so many of my pictures included a llama or a sloth or both. The next thing I knew, God had given me a story to go along with these two adorable characters. That was was Matt, Sam, and the Swimming Unicorn, which was published in November of 2022. Matt, Sam, and the Swimming Rock followed in 2023. Matt and Sam Celebrate Christmas was published in October of 2024.
As for my life outside side of the world of Matt and Sam, I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. I have lived in several other places including the Chicago area, Iowa, New Jersey, and Indiana. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Rick, for 29 years. We have two beautiful adult daughters. We also have a chocolate Lab named Lucy. My older daughter has moved to Dayton to live with friends. My younger daughter is still living at home. She has autism and is in her final year of high school. We are working on the transition that will follow her graduation in the spring of 2025.
I do enjoy several hobbies including journaling, writing. reading, building Lego sets, jewelry making, sewing, drawing, and collecting hobbies.