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Writer's pictureLiz Harlan

Romans 5:1-5

I said I was going to post my answers to the questions I had previously posted. What follows are those answers - for better or for worse.

I have to admit, with all the troubles going on around me (and inside of me for that matter), this has been a helpful passage to be looking at right now.

Here goes:

ROMANS 5:1-5

Romans 5:1

1. What does it mean to be justified through faith?

Coming to faith is not something we do of our own ability. God brings us to faith through the Holy Spirit.

2. What does it mean to have peace with God?

We are no longer his enemies. There is no longer hostility between us and God.

“The mind of the sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God.” Romans 8:6-7

“For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life.” Romans 5:10

3. Why is it significant that our peace comes through Jesus?

Jesus is our only path to salvation and that gives us peace.

Romans 5:2

4. What does grace mean?

Grace is a gift – God’s free gift of salvation won by Jesus.

5. What is the “hope” that we rejoice in?

Often people say they are hoping something will happen. They have no assurance that it will, they just want it to happen.

The hope mentioned here is not like that hope. This is a secure hope that rests on God’s promises. There is no doubt.

The brief phrase “the glory of God” fills me with an image (however inaccurate) of the magnificence of Heaven that we are given glimpses of throughout God’s Word. So magnificent, powerful and beautiful.

Romans 5:3

6. What does it mean to “rejoice in our sufferings”? Does it mean we are supposed to be happy because our life is a painful mess?

In the past I have been harassed for my Christian beliefs. It was not fun and I did not enjoy it. Yet, I found a joy in the fact that my faith was showing in such a way that other people could see it – even if they didn’t like it.

However, finding joy in a lot of other tough situations in my life has not had such a solution.

One of the things I try to remind myself is that this is just my temporary home and I have a Heavenly home waiting for me – this is where my joy rests.

I also try to remind myself that even when I am suffering, I am also blessed.

7. Have you discovered a way to rejoice in your sufferings?

I suppose I answered this in #6. Focusing on blessings is always helpful. When you can’t focus on your blessings, a good cry, and deep felt prayer to God can get you back on track.

8. How does suffering lead to perseverance?

It teaches us to push through. Makes us fighters. When we get knocked down, we get up with God’s help. I can picture God reaching down from Heaven, taking my hand, and pulling me to my feet.

Romans 5:4

9. What is perseverance?

Per Merriam-Webster, “The Essential Meaning of perseverance: the quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult.”

Sometimes perseverance is just hanging on and riding out the storm.

Sometimes perseverance resembles a fighter who appears to be losing the fight, but keeps going until he wins.

Perseverance is sticking to one’s faith regardless of the threats around us.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4

10. How does perseverance lead to character?

When you have to fight for something, what is truly important comes into focus.

11. What is character?

Character is an inner strength, it is what defines us. It is what develops when refined by the fire of difficulties in this life.

12. How does character lead to hope?

Our strength comes from God and we hope in Him.

13. What does it mean to hope in earthly terms? in God’s promises?

The earthly version of hope is an uncertain one. It focuses on what is wanted but not guaranteed.

Hope in God’s promises is a sure and secure thing. It fills our hearts and points us to Heaven. No matter how deep the pit is, hope in God’s promises shines down on us.

Romans 5:5

14. What does it mean that hope does not disappoint?

Our hope in God will never fail because God’s love never fails.

15. What impact does the last part of verse 5 have on you?

“God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.”

It is a beautiful image of God filling us with His love – a love we do not deserve, but He freely gives us. A wonderful image of my empty heart being filled with something unbelievably amazing.

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